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FSM-A \ Free Speech Movement Archives\ FSM-A

December 3, 1964: 3:45am Gov. Brown orders arrests, which continue for 12 hours.
1:00pm Faculty Senate condemns Administration. STRIKE Pickets at all campus entrances
Kodachrome photos by Dr. Jim Jumblatt with Nikon and Leica cameras

Jim's then-wife Tracy Merchant wrote us on 1/14/2013:
"We lived on Cedar street. Jim was a zoology student, but was also interested in music (played the blues guitar) and photography. He had a Nikon and a Leica and took candid shots, always looking for the interesting picture.   Every morning I would drop him off at Sather Gate and then continue on to SF.  On this morning I parked the little green VW and ditched school for the day. I was 20, and Jim 21….we watched the gathering demonstration throughout the day. We may have gone home to get cameras and film. The pictures were taken, perhaps, over two days and should tell a story.

I know that I was never the same after that. I felt so incensed watching the police cover the windows of Sproul Hall so that we couldn't see what was happening inside, and then seeing the demonstrators dragged from the building as night fell and thrown into the police van--with a thud.

In 1966 we joined the Peace Corps and went to Afghanistan. Then back to NYC where Jim was a PhD student in Biology at Columbia. So we were there for the 1968 anti-war demonstrations. We split soon after that, but remained friends. He died a few years ago of leukemia. His widow and his son are very happy that his slides are with the archive and we know that he would be honored."

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frame 1a: Michael Abramovitz, a grad student in the Math Dept., with the scarf and sunglasses and raised hand. full size image

frame 2: Mike Abramovitz. full size image

frame 1b: Entrance to campus at Telegraph and Bancroft. Dustin Miller with armband standing on post. full size image

frame 3 full size image

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frame 4b: who is that holding the STRIKE sign? full size image

image 5. Steve Weissman speaks. full size image

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image 15b. At microphone is Scott Keech, KPFA News Director (deceased). full size image

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image 19. KPFA's Burton White holds microphone. full size image

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image 22. Mario Savio speaks. full size image

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