Free Speech Movement Archives
FSM-A:The Corporation (How it came
to be, and its plans)
FSM-A's purposes (from the Bylaws)
The Collection
Directors and Officers of FSM-A
The 2014 Board
FSM-A and the Bancroft Library's FSM project
Fund-raising activities
The Corporation: How It Came to
Be, and Its Plans
[A Memo to Veterans and Friends of the FSM]
When we organized the 1994 FSM
reunion, Lee Felsenstein took on the task of producing its video documentation; and
circulated a modest manifesto concerning our status as elders and our responsibility to
pass on information and culture to younger generations, in forms that would resonate with
their experiences. He proposed the formation of an organization to secure the intellectual
property represented by the reunion videos and other FSM materials, and to facilitate its
use by documentarists speaking to youth. An ad-hoc committee convened at the reunion to
consider the complications of this proposal and met several times in 1995. Its most
substantive outcome was to leave Peter Franck convinced that the move was appropriate and
Lee began again to polemicize for
this in 1996, and recruited Peter, Michael Rossman, and others who had been active in the
previous reunions and in tending the FSM's heritage, to undertake the organization of the
Free Speech Movement Archives (FSM-A) as a not-for-profit corporation. After Mario's death
in November, Marilyn Noble gave the project crucial focus and impetus by scheduling our
meetings at her Oakland home and providing for them lavishly. An appropriate Board of
Directors was invited, and most gathered at our first formal meeting on January 25, 1997.
Lee recruited Kathleen Piper to shepherd us through the mechanics of incorporation, and we
set to work seriously. It took longer than we expected, but we have brought the
organization to legal birth -- and in the process have engaged the first projects of
FSM-A, and begun to gather people with the skills to carry them through. The incorporation
papers were filed in March 1998. The documents qualifying FSM-A for tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
status will be filed later this year. We expect their approval, for our motives are as
holy as cherry pie -- to testify for free speech by passing our history on to our children
and beyond, along with the live charge and complexity of understanding it, as best we can.
Separately, you will find FSM-A's
formal statement of purposes, and a roster of its board of directors and officers. As all
were deeply involved with the FSM, we trust that you know enough about enough of them to
be assured that this effort is carried on by responsible hands and in a continuity of
spirit. Although it was unfeasible to constitute FSM-A as a formal membership
organization, we are well aware that we have a core constituency, and we hope to represent
you well. (Indeed, we mean to help you represent yourselves, in filling out our history
and connecting it to life.) As the tasks of bringing this formal vehicle to life are done,
we hope to involve more of you in exploring what can be furthered through it as the FSM-A
Web. We invite you to begin this exploration immediately, as the FSM-A Web site develops.
You will notice that although
FSM-A's purposes focus on the original document of the FSM, they are drawn broadly, to
legitimate its relation to a broad range of movements and developments, extending from
before 1964 to the present. They are drawn broadly in another sense as well. While
organizing FSM-A, we came to see that it was natural to integrate the other long-term
activities of the diffuse association of FSM veterans into its operation. One might take
this simply to mean that the maintenance of our mailing-list, the long-promised
newsletter, and the organizing of future reunions will proceed henceforth under our own
non-profit umbrella. But we see the relation as more organic. Much of the FSM's history
and interpretation has been recorded, in a complex welter of documents -- but even more
has not, and remains live in the memories and present lives of those who made this
movement and moved on. As much as paper or more, you are the document of the FSM. We are
the document together still, together with the echoes in Tianamen Square, and the signal
victory that FSM-A's legal director Peter Franck won in court in defense of the First
Amendment freedom of micro-radio broadcasting, before SWAT teams kicked down the doors of
three microstations in Florida to send a counter-signal. In this circumstance, our
mailing-list is an essential index to a vital, collective document still developing, which
our mailings and reunions, our symposia and memorials extend. We intend FSM-A to gather
and tend this larger document as an organic extension of the document of 1964; and expect
that it will prove a vehicle to elicit histories from many whose views and stories have
never been recorded. The Web site may facilitiate this; we invite you to help us explore.
FSM-A is undertaking several
projects beyond its own organization. One is to gather as much material pertaining to the
FSM as possible, from the documents of 1964 (and earlier) onward and through personal
writings and oral histories; and to arrange for its cataloging and adequate storage and
preservation. We invite you to contribute whatever you can. [See Bettina Aptheker's
sidebar, and the report on developments with the Bancroft Library.] A related project is
to develop the FSM-A Web site as a means to make the FSM's history accessible and useful,
in and beyond educational institutions. We expect that the site will become our main
interface with the public. Along with e-mail, it will also provide our most direct (and in
time our main) means of relation with our core constituency, the veterans and associates
of the FSM. We hope to take advantage of this without compromising communication with
those among us -- still the great majority -- who don't use on-line services. [See the
section on the FSM-A Web site. Susan Druding is directing its construction, and Michael
Rossman will coordinate its editorial direction.]
After helping organize a symposium
on Mario at the Organization of American Historians conference in spring 1997, Robby Cohen
has taken on direction of FSM-A's academic affairs, concerned with focussing critical
attention on the FSM as history. Teachers and scholars concerned with this should contact
him; we hope you'll spread this invitation. [See Robby's sidebar.] Another long-term
project involves the maintenance of our crucial mailing-lists, under the stewardship of Barbara Stack. Please help her to keep them current, and
growing. No planning has yet begun for the next FSM reunion. We invite you to
consider other projects that FSM-A might properly shelter and assist.
We hope that the news of what we've
done so far will gladden you, and that you will find ways to help us carry on the work of
FSM-A and make it useful in the world.
Michael Rossman, FSM-A Newsletter Editor
To contact
Michael Rossman: email [replace the -at-
with @ for email]
From the BYLAWS of The Free
Speech Movement Archive, a California Public Benefit Corporation:
SECTION 1. OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSES The primary objectives and
purposes of this corporation shall be: to facilitate and undertake the gathering,
preservation, study, interpretation, and dissemination of information and materials
related to the Berkeley Free Speech Movement of 1964 -- to its roots and antecedents, its
events, and its subsequent consequences, influences, and interpretations. This
corporation's activities shall include locating, collecting, cataloging, developing and
producing relevant information and materials; changing their formats and adapting them to
new formats; making them available for educational, charitable, and scholarly purposes;
licensing and entering into agreements for their educational uses; commissioning and
assisting in their scholarly interpretation; and organizing public educational events and
other means of facilitating communication among their users, potential users, and other
persons concerned with the historical development of civil liberties and movements for
social change. The corporation shall engage in appropriate promotional and fund-raising
activities to support its purposes.
- Margot S. Adler -- journalist, National Public Radio
- Bettina Aptheker -- faculty, Women's Studies Program, U.C./Santa
- Kate Coleman -- journalist
- Lee Felsenstein [Secretary/Treasurer] -- engineer, community
information systems
- Peter Franck -- attorney, intellectual property, entertainment, and
First Amendment law
- Jackie Goldberg -- Los Angeles city council member
- Lynne S. Hollander -- librarian, custodian of Mario's papers
- Michael Rossman [President] -- teacher, writer, poster archivist
- Thomas Savio -- archivist
- Marston Schultz -- FSM's original archivist
- Jack Weinberg -- Senior Toxics Campaigner for Greenpeace
- Reginald Zelnik -- faculty, History Department, U.C./Berkeley
The 2014 Board
Lee Felsenstein, President, Anita Medal, Treasurer, Gar Smith, Secretary.
Board Members: Margot Adler, Bettina Aptheker, Robert Cohen, Susan Druding, Barbara Garson, Jackie Goldberg, Lynne Hollander Savio, Jack Radey, Barbara Stack

West coast members of FSM-A Board meeting September 8, 2013
L to R: Jackie Goldberg, Anita Medal, Gar Smith, Lynne Hollander, Barbara Stack, Bettine Aptheker, Lee Felsenstein, Susan Druding
- Barbara Stack [mailing-lists] and webmaster
To contact
Barbara Stack: email
All regular mail should be addressed:
c/o FSM Archives, 1801 5th Street Berkeley CA 94710-1914.
Please note the subject on the outside of the envelope.