Singer, Terry Garthwaite, opened the rally leading songs.
Terry had sung at the rally on Dec. 2, 1964.
Notice the photo of Jack Weinberg in the window of the police car.

Sproul Plaza was packed. |

Singer, Terry Garthwaite,
was the lead singer for Joy
of Cooking in the 60s

Misha Leybovich, ASUC President,
gave an inspiring beginning to the Rally |

Misha Leybovich, ASUC President |

Robert Birgeneau, the new UC Berkeley Chancellor |

Rosha Jones (BACLU Secretary & Hiraa Khan (BACLU Treasurer) |

Hiraa Khan |

Rosha Jones |

Bettina Aptheker, FSM Vet & Professor at UC Santa Cruz |

Michael Rossman, FSM Vet and FSM@40 Organizer |

Julia Vinograd, Poet and FSM Vet
[That is Michael's arm behind her holding a book of her poems.] |

Jackie Goldberg, CA State Assemblywoman & FSM Vet |

Jackie Goldberg's speech was a call for
student activism and
an end to apathy. She got a huge response from the audience.

Howard Dean was warmly welcomed by the
students. |


Tony Serra, attorney |

The huge puppet was unveiled to show the
Statue of Liberty
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