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 FSM@40: Free Speech
 in a Dangerous Time

Speeches from the Noon RALLY on Friday Oct. 8, 2004
Transcripts from Panel Discussions

(If you know of transcripts, please let us know)

More transcripts will be added as available and supplied


From the Noon Rally - 10/8/04

Tony Serra's speech             Bob Kearney' speech


From Panels and Discussions

Talk by Seymour Hersh, acclaimed investigative reporter - Oct 8, 2004, Evening of 3rd Presidential Debate
[Note: there are two links to this speech and a link to a Webcast of the actual speech)
  1. UC Berkeley News Site -
Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh spills the secrets of the Iraq quagmire and the war on terror  [Link to webcast video is on this page]
 2. Truthout Issues - another copy of Hersh's speech story


Molly Ivins at Savio Memorial Lecture

A link on UC Berkeley News Site with report on her wonderful speech.
Molly Ivins said that?
The liberal pundit, ‘serious as a stroke,’ holds forth at Zellerbach




(last updated 10/14/2004 11:56 PM EST)


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