Mario Savio Steps
Sharon Yuan, ASUC President was the
Carol Christ, Vice Chancellor talked about the Importance of this Dedication
History Prof. Leon Litwack gave a very moving presentation of the signifcance of
the FSM to the university and students. (Some
of his comments can be found in the article linked at the right in the Daily Cal,
Dec 4). We hope to have a link to his entire speech here soon.
Rossman, Veteran of the FSM, talked about Mario and the Steps. He also announced this Web
page and hopes for its use.
Zwick, UC student, former ASUC Senator, spoke about student perceptions of the FSM.
Kevin was one of two ASUC Senators who first proposed the Mario Savio Steps.
Basian, UC Grad student and Graduate Minority Project Coordinator, remembered Mario and
his work with him fighting Prop. 209.

Lynn Hollander, Mario
Savio's widow, read a passage from Mario on what Free Speech meant to him.
© Free Speech Movement Archives 1997
Please ask for permission before duplicating any text or images from these Web pages in
either print or electronic form. Some items are ours to share and others are here only on
loan and the copyright rests with the author.
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Photos on this page
© 1997 Susan Druding
Photos taken with a digital Sanyo camera.
This page last
revised March 20, 2002 |

Articles in
Francisco Chronicle Article, Dec. 3
Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 3 - photograph

The crowd gathering before the ceremony.
The Mario Savio Steps plaque can be seen
in the center of the top step in the above photo.

Mario Savio's father, Joe Savio,
and Tom Savio, his brother.