YouTube FREE Inside the Free Speech Movement directed by Linda Rosen
video-edited by Jai Jai Noire and Tonya Staros with Melanie Mentzel
Berkeley Historical Society & Museum
The documentary features Bettina Aptheker, David Lance Goines, Patti Iiyama, Anita Medal, Kathleen Piper, Jack Radey, Seth Rosenfeld, Peter Dale Scott, Leon Wofsy, and many others. Watch and learn how they did it.
UC Berkeley Media Resources Center Streaming FSM Films
[Free Speech Movement, 30th Anniversary] The Current Political Situation (Harold Adler, December 1-4, 1984, 150 min.)
[Free Speech Movement, 30th Anniversary] Noon Rally (Harold Adler, 1984, 90 min)
[Free Speech Movement, 30th Anniversary] What Happened in the FSM? The Issues, the Events, the Spirit (Harold Adler, 1984, 135 min)
Interviews and much more!
9th Annual Mario Savio Memorial Lecture
Seymour Hersh: Mario Savio Memorial Lecture - 2005
1 hr 53 mins.
8th Annual Mario Savio Memorial Lecture
The State of the Union: Molly Ivins - October 2004
The 8th Annual Mario Savio Memorial Lecture
features Molly Ivins,
a nationally-syndicated political columnist, author of
'Bushwhacked! Life in George Bush's America'
and the new 'Who Let the Dogs In?:
Incredible Political Animals I Have Known.'
Series: "UC Berkeley Graduate School
of Journalism presents" [10/2004]
Video (3 mins) from
Dec. 3, 2009 - of 45th Anniv. Rally, in front of Sproul Hall
with Gar Smith (speaking), Anita Medal, Gretchen Mackler-Lipow
Video (16 min) from Fluxview, USA
Dec 3, 2009 - Sproul Hall, includes intro of Mario Savio's speech and group
reading together on Dec 3, 2009
Gretchen Mackler-Lipow
(speaking) "If you want to go fast, go by yourself; If you want to go far, go together."
Anita Medal (speaking), Gar Smith (speaking), Richard Muller (speaking)
Theatrical Films
The Big Fix (1978) "Richard Dreyfus plays a former FSMer who has kept the faith"--Kathleen Donnelly