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The Free Speech Movement Cafe

In mid-November 1999 the FSM Cafe Committee met in the construction zone to see the Cafe progress and discuss the wording and images for the FSM panels.  While we were there I took some photos to share and show the status of the building.

The planned opening for the FSM Cafe is January 18, 2000, the "official" Opening will be February 3, 2000. The inside seating has been expanded to seat 125 from the original 55 plan. There will be a lot of exterior terrace seating as well on the west end of the Cafe.

The FSM Cafe is one of the projects coming from the Steve Silberstein Gift to UC Berkeley.

Feb 3, 2000 Opening Photos Here - 4 pages of Photos

Feb 4, 2000 FSM Vets Cafe Party - photos coming soon

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The front of the Moffitt Library with the construction for the Cafe at the left side. Seen are from left: Michael Rossman,  Steve Silberstein, Fred Yasaki  and Micha Hoy.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The kiosk rebar at the front left which will hold the FSM Cafe sign and a bulletin board.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The entrance from inside the lobby of the Moffitt Library. The FSM Cafe will be open the full hours to match the Library hours. Fred Yasaki, architect, is giving the tour.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The entrance which will be the outside front entrance. The white panel seen on the right is one of three which will have large panels with history and photos of the FSM. food service counter is straight ahead.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The counter for ordering and picking up food. The front panels are maple, the top is sealed concrete.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The cooler is in place, can the food be far behind?

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The inner main room, food counter at rear left. Entrance from inside Moffitt is rear center. Entrance from outside front of Moffitt is at right rear.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

The floor is a lovely slate from India.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

Inside from eating area facing the main exterior entrance. The lit recessed area is the condiment counter and the white area behind and above it is for a bulletin board.

FSM CAFE photos - UC Berkeley

Micha Hoy, Fred Yasaki and Michael  Rossman. Photo taken from what will be the outside terrace entrance at the west end of the Cafe. 


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© Free Speech Movement Archives 1999 - Please ask for permission before duplicating any text or images from these Web pages in either print or electronic form. Some items are ours to share and others are here only on loan and the copyright rests with the author.

Photos on this page
© 1999 Susan Druding
Photos taken with digital Nikon Coolpix 950

This page last revised 02 Dec 2000

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