Free Speech Movement Cafe
Opening Event #1 - Feb 3, 2000
1 of 4 of Photos
On the afternoon of Feb. 3, 2000 UC-Berkeley hosted an Open House at
the new Free Speech Movement Cafe in Moffitt Library on the UC Berkeley
campus for FSM Veterans, the press, UC Officials and others involved with
the new cafe. Attendance and spirits were high and a lot of old friends
saw each other again. These photos were taken that afternoon and early
The following evening (Feb. 4, 2000) there was a private celebration
hosted by Steve Silberstein and Ann Lipow (who funded the Cafe's
construction in honor of Mario and the FSM) just for FSM Vets and friends.
The photos for that 2nd event will be here soon and will be linked from
this page.
This is page 1 of photos: Go to page -
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Also: See the earlier Cafe
construction-in-progress photos here from Nov.1999