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APSPAB: Contents of the Published Report

Administrative Pressures and Student Political Activity -- the covering essay


     The nature of the material we are considering, and the patterns and problems woven through it, demand for the most part that it be treated as a collection of related but basically distinct topics. The interaction between Administrative (and other) pressures and student political activity must be examined in the context of specific controversies, or in context of the history of specific organizations.

     The bulk of this report, in this preliminary form, consists of 19 studies of such topics, and four appendices gathering documentation specifically related to the covering essay and expanding upon some of its points. The covering essay is a preliminary draft of general conclusions suggested by the material in these studies and appendices; we hope to expand it considerably and strengthen its conclusions in the final report

     Limitations of time and resources have pressed strongly upon us; we regret that we have not been able to cross-index these studies and appendices. To a certain extent, the reader must make the connections between the studies himself. Neither have we been able to present all the material we consider relevant, in this preliminary form. In the listing below of the studies and appendices, the ones as yet incomplete appear in parentheses. If the range of their topics seems broad, it should be remembered that the subject we are dealing with is complex, and that many subjects are relevant to an understanding of the problems that concern us.

Appendix A: Restrictive Effects of Administrative Regulations

Appendix B: Vagueness, Arbitrariness, and Discriminatory Application of Regulations

Appendix C: Miscellaneous Affidavits

Appendix D: The Removal of the Communist Speaker Ban

Appendix on Legal Matters

  1. The University and the State Law
  2. Discussion Paper Regarding Freedoms Guaranteed by the First Amendment and the University of California

Appendix on the ASUC

  1. General Patterns of ASUC Activity, 1960-63
  2. Voluntary and Compulsory ASUC, 1955-59
  3. The ASUC Executive Committee and the Kerr Directives
  4. (The Student Forum)

Appendix on Regulations Governing Student Activities

  1. The Kerr Directives
  2. Three Changes in the Kerr Directives
  3. Institutional Change -- Rule 17

Appendix on the University's Responsiveness to Outside Pressures

  1. The Administration's Neutrality During the Bodega Head Controversy
  2. The Subject A Controversy

Appendix on the University's Responsiveness to Internal Pressure

  1. The Compulsory ROTC Controversy
  2. See also Institutional Change -- Rule 17

Appendix on Communications

  1. The Daily Californian: 1947-1960
  2. The Daily Californian: The Strike of 1960
  3. The Daily Californian: 1960-1964
  4. (The Daily Californian: The Consultative Board)
  5. The Independent Californian
  6. KPFA and the Administration
  7. (Campus Radio Stations)

Appendix on the Faculty:

  1. The Loyalty Oath at the University of California: A Report on Events 1949-1958
  2. (The Academic Senate)

Appendix on Student Organizations

  1. Women For Peace
  2. (Slate: First Three Semesters)
  3. (Slate: 1961-1963)
  4. (Slate: 1963-1964)
  5. Slate and Due Process: Abstract [See also the second half of HUAC: May 1960]
  6. The Disenfranchisement of the Graduate Students

Appendix on Student Activities

  1. HUAC: May 1960: The Events, the Aftermath
  2. Free Speech 1959
  3. (Free Speech 1964 and the FSM)
  4. (The Press and the Free Speech Demonstrations)
  5. (The Civil Rights Movement)
  6. (The Nature of the New Student Social and Political Activity)

Appendix on the Administration

  1. (Clark Kerr)
  2. (The Regents)

  3.      We regret that, in preparing this preliminary report, it has not been possible to make the titling of these studies consistent. The titles above are provisional, and in some cases the studies do not bear those titles; often references given to other studies will not match the above list. We hope, however, that this list will help to unscramble some references, and minimize the confusions consequent to our haste.

    Editorial note (1999): This last warning, written just before the Report went to press via a dozen ditto machines, is candid evidence of our state as we struggled to publish what we could of the extensive research we had undertaken, in time for it to matter in the conflict. The modern reader, aided by hypertext links, will find the references less confusing to follow.

    Though the studies listed in parentheses were not included in the "preliminary" published Report, we are glad finally to be able to present them here, in their various forms. Some were completed by others active in the FSM; others remain as raw interviews. In a sense, this entire website is the study listed as "Free Speech 1964 and the FSM", still in progress.

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