Photos from the 4th Annual
Mario Savio Memorial Lecture
Oct 17, 2000 - 7:30 p.m., Pauley Ballroom on UC Berkeley
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Read about the speakers here

A photo of Mario on the easel at the front of the lecture

Refreshments were ready - compliments of the Free Speech Cafe on campus

Lynne Hollander Savio opened the evening
and introduced the winner of the Young Activist Award.

Jia Ching Chen was the recipient of the
"Young Activist Award"
He is an Organizer: JustAct,
Youth Action for Global Justice,
Founding member: Third Eye
Movement, Trainer: East Bay Chapter Ruckus

Jia Ching Chen speaking

Stephen Dunifer spoke about the urgent need for supporting the
microradio - see the web site for details:

Raka Ray, UC Asst. Prof. of Sociology
introduced the speakers

Barbara Ehrenreich, left and Arlie Hochchild, right
Raka Ray in center
The evening was a "panel" format with Ms. Ray giving questions

Barbara Ehrenreich explains her research job - working as a house
cleaner and scubbing floors on her hands and knees!


Arlie Hochschild listens to comments

Anita Medal takes photos from the audience
Page Two of more photos here
photos taken by Susan Druding with a
Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera |
we will PROBABLY be able to send out tapes of the proceedings for a $25
contribution. If you're interested, e-mail Lynne Hollander: |