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Alphabetical Index of the Archives
of the Free Speech Movement Part 2

(Part 1,  A - I is here)

  J-N  O  P  R  S  T   U-W

Titles in boldface blue link directly to leaflets here (digitized) files. Italicized titles are retyped or in  trivially-variant forms, without content differences from similar titles shown non-italicized. Save as noted, pages are standard letter-size, mimeographed, and printed on one side only. (Almost all documents longer than one page are printed on both sides.) At present, 264 distinct texts published by the FSM are indexed here, amounting to 480 pages. Below is the alphabetical index. As leaflets are scanned and analog images of the leaflets are available (either on our site or on Bancroft Library at UC Berkeley) we will show a link to them with this blue eye symbol. fsm-eye.gif (292 bytes)

For an Introduction to the story behind these document archives and an explanation of the columns and notes below, see this Introduction to the Leaflets of the FSM Index page.

For a chronologially ordered list of these same documents, visit the Chronological Index page.

FSM Veterans: Please check any archives you hold against this list, we hope to find missing documents. If you have any lost pages of our history, contact Michael Rossman.
To contact Michael Rossman: email   [replace the -at- with @ for email]

last update March 07, 2004




- . -
(Map of Dwinelle/Chancellor's office) - reverse side of "An ethic..."
8 Students Suspended/Free Speech Rally b: 9/30 --
11 AM Press Release... Strike Press Central/Long picket lines .. 12/4. form 1
- - -

J to N

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James Baldwin/Masonic Auditorium ... Benefit 12/10?-16 --
Jazz Concert/FSM and Slate 12/12 --
Joy to U.C./Free Speech Carols mid-Dec.?? record jacket, f/b, 7"x7"; offset
Katherine A. Towle, Dean of Students 1 1/231 form-letter
The Last Word on Obsenity [sic]... 3/12 8.5"x14"
Latest developments in the fight... 10/8 --
Local Picket and Delivery Agreement for Teamsters Union 12/3-5? hektograph
A major battle won c. 10/17 --
Mass Picket 11/4., --
\Memorial March for Rev. James R. Rees 3/12, --
*A Message to Departmental Coordinators early Dec' instructions form
The Multiversity in Crisis/James Benet late Nov.??? reprint
Names and addresses of the Regents early Dec. ??.? address-list; Ist version
News Release on U.C. Student Demands... - reverse side of Free Speech Meeting
Noon today, we shall resume... 11/9? reverse side of We want to explain..
A note on the Academic Senate's powers and student discipline Nov.?? --
\Note: this letter is very similar... spring?? 2 pp.
- - -


- -
- - -
ON STRIKE 12/3-5 computer punch-card, 7.4"x3.3"
On December 2nd they were in Sproul.../Where are they now? late Jan??' --
On Monday, November 9, officials... - reverse side of FSM Rally
On Strike/Don't cross our line 12/4-51 --
On Wednesday, Dec. 1... we must create a FREE UNIVERSITY... 12/1 --
\An Open CORE Meeting/Assessing Discriminatory Housing .. Feb? --
An open letter to Chancellor Strong... (C. Artman) Apr?? --
On Wednesday, December 2, 1964, we, you and I.. early Jan?? --
\An Open CORE Meeting/Assessing Discriminatory Housing .. Feb? --
An open letter to Chancellor Strong... (C. Artman) Apr?? --
Operation Correction Information Sheet for Speakers 12/13 form 2 pp.
Our support is growing! 10/2 8.5"x14"

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- - -
Particle and the Free .... late Nov. ? ? form a', 2 pp. titled "Press Release"
Particle and the Free Speech Controversy late Nov.?? form a, 2 pp.
Particle and the Free Speech Controversy late Nov.?? form b,1 p.
Percentage, by department, of faculty and TA's observing strike 12/4-5 4 pp.
Petition supporting UC Faculty receives 3095 signatures... 12/16 press-release
Petition to the Regents... 12/9 form
#A Plea to the Public for Understanding 12/12 intro to bundle of 10 documents
Please please please.../Times Dec/Jan?? poem, 3 pp.; b2:44
The Position of the Free Speech Movement... >11/21 4 pp.
Position of the Free Speech Movement on the Obscenity Cases 3/18 --
\Press Release/The Steering Committee... met with ... Strong 10/13 --
The principles behind the FSM platform - reverse side of An appeal...
Propositions introduced by the Committee ... and adopted.. 12/8?? hektograph
Propositions introduced by the Committee ... and passed... 12/8 --
Propositions introduced by the Committee on Academic Freedom... 12/8?? 2 states
Propositions to be introduced by the Committee on Academic ... 12/8 --
Provisional Platform of the Free Speech Movement 11/11?? b:/13 ver 1 form 1, 2 pp.
Provisional Platform of the Free Speech Movement 11/11?? ver 1 form 2, 2 pp.
Provisional Platform of the Free Speech Movement 11/9-13?? ver. 2 2 pp.

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\Racists Convene/Campus CORE spring --
Rationale for On-Campus Student Political Action 10/14?? 2 pp.
The Regents (by Marvin Garson) Jan offset 5.5"x8.25" 21 pp
The Regents (Garson) March 2nd printing, sl. rev. intro; offset 5.5"x8.25": 21 pp
The Regents of the University early Dec. ??? address-list; 1st vers., 2nd form
The Regents of the University early Dec. ??? address-list; 2nd version, 2 pp
Report by the Committee on Academic Freedom... 12/29 6 pp.
Report of Faculty Group 11/10-15?? pub. by FSM??
A Report on the Status .. by the Faculty Reps 11/10 7 pp. by FSM???
Resolution approved unanimously... 12/7-8 --
Resolution approved unanimously... 12/7-8 --
Resolution approved unanimously... 12/7-8 hektograph
Resolution "B" 12/6-7?? --
Resolution "C" 12/6-7?? --
\Resolution Passed by the Graduate Coordinating Committee 12/7 --
"The Revolt at U.C. -- What It's About" >11/12 reprint 2 pp.
Revolution at Berkeley Dec/Jan?? testament

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Sample Telegrams 12/13 form-letter
\SCOPE Picket/Let's march on the restaurant owners 2/15 --
SHAME 3/24 by FSM??
Showdown 12/2 --
\SNCC needs your help 2/15 2 pp
Some comments on the faculty proposal 11/11??-18b:/10-11 reverse side of Statement..
Some comments on the faculty proposal 11/11??-181 reverse side of Statement... 2nd form
Some comments on the faculty proposal 11/11??-l8 reverse side of Statement...3rd form
Some ideas for changes ... an organizing base for the Free University early Dec?? --
Some ideas for changes ... base for the Free University early Dec?? 23 pp., 4"x8.5"
Some New Year's Resolutions for Chancellor Myerson 1/5 s/ GCC
Some Statements Concerning Police Brutality... l2/3?l FSM?? hektograph
A spectre is haunting the University... 12/1 --
Statement issued by student organizations 10/2??'' b: 10/3 8.5"x14"
Statement of Ass'n of Calif. State College Profs - reverse side of Some comments...
Statement of Ass'n of Calif. State College Profs - reverse side of Some comments...
Statement of Ass'n of Calif. State College Profs - reverse side of Some comments...
Statement of the FSM Steering Committee and GCC Executive Com.. 3/121 8.5"x 14"
STRIKE 12/3-5 computer punch-card, 7.4"x3.3"
Strike 12/3 -
The Strike Continues! 12/4 2 pp.
Strike for freedom 12/4 form a, typed head
Strike for freedom 12/3 form b, handlettered head
Strike/An injury to one... 12/3-4 stencil labeled "Union strike leaflet
The students of Berkeley and other campuses... 12/9-16 public promo
Students Walk Out/ Support FSM GCC 12/4-5?? poster, 10.7"x15"
Summary of a Survey of ... Students... early Dec.?? hektograph by FSM?? 2 pp.
Support the Academic Senate 12/9-10?? meeting anno, 8.5"x5.5"
Support the Regents (they need it.) Dec/Jan?? -
Support the strike 12/3-4 -

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Telegram from James Farmer... 12/"4" but /6 press release, 1st form
Telegram from James Farmer... 12/6 press release, 2nd form
Their rule and our rules 11/23 b:/25 --
*This is for the information of members of .. Executive Committee late Nov.?? 8.5"x14", 3 pp
Thoreau: On the Duty of Civil Disobedience Nov? hektograph; FSM??
Thoughts on Berkeley (Paul Goodman) >1/14 -
Three Students Suspended, One Dismissed... 4122 -
To Governor Edmund Brown.../Hal Lubin 12/4??

      hektograph press release

To Members of the Academic Senate 12/24

      pub. by FSM??

To:_______ We feel that the Academic Senate... mid-Nov??


Today's FSM Statement/We've Been Confronted!! 3/19


"The Tragedy at the Greek Theater"/Ralph J. Gleason 12/8-10 reprint
*Tutorial Assignment Sheet early Dec 8.5"x14" instructions form

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U to W

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- - -
\UEGS-AFT Newsletter #2 1/12 8.5"x14"
The University ... and the state college... 12/7 press release
"The University does not presume students innocent..." 3/3 reverse side of Injustice at... ;
\The University Society of Libertarians 12/13 -
Urgent! Letter writing campaign to the Regents... 12/13 -
Want evidence because your grandchildren won't believe you? <12/19 by KPFA?
We are in danger of losing what we gained... late March? --
We Want a University early Jan. 12 pp.
We want to explain why... - reverse side of Noon today... first form
We, the undersigned, those who received letters... 11/10-15?? form-letter
What kind of world? (Hutchins) >12/20 reprint, retyped; 8.5"x14"
What kind of world? Whole nation can learn... >12/20 reprint, 8.5"x14"
Where does the FSM stand today? 10/15 2 pp.
Whereas the ASUC President... Nov.?? recall petition
Who are the Regents? Dec. corp. backgrounds; seed of Garson's The Regents; 2 pp.
The whole nation can learn... >12/20 reprint, retyped; 8.5"x14"
Why are UC students still not satisfied?!! 11/26 -
\Why Strike? 12/2 GCC
Why the committee deadlocked 11/11 (/9??) b:/12 2nd form? 2 pp.
Why the committee deadlocked 11/9??-11? first form? 2 pp.
Why we have decided to begin to exercise our rights again 11/9 2 pp.
Will Oakland Police Brutality Stifle Protest? 2/10 s/ by Oakland committee

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copyright ©1998 - Free Speech Movement Archives, Berkeley, CA


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