Chronologies of the Conflict
Chronologies list the dates of important events
and developments, with brief descriptions. Chronologies written at different times or from
different perspectives may tell somewhat different stories about the events, and about
what their writers understood.
The briefest, most skeletal review of events,
distributed as a leaflet shortly before the climax of the conflict. (2 pp.)
This sketch is more detailed, but neglects the
failed tripartite negotiations. (4 pp.)
A more useful, brief introduction to the flow of
events. (5 pp.)
Traces developments in more detail, with better
explanations. (9 pp.)
This extensive treatment (100 pp.) covers the
public developments more thoroughly, particularly for the administration and faculty; and
includes meaty quotations from many spokespeople and documents. No other chronology covers
the "Filthy Speech Movement" developments in Spring 1965. The wealth of detail
and official quotations make this useful as a reference, but confusing and superficial as
history. The briefer chronologies offer clearer views of the flow of events, and the
political dynamics of the conflict are discussed much more clearly in the narrative
histories. (Hal Draper's account is not much
longer than this chronology.)
This is the same chronology as above, from the California Monthly, but in its entirety, and posted on the calisphere site.
Possibly written by the Free Student Union.